Wednesday, 8 October 2014

When you don't want to run but you know that you should.

Sometimes I get that terrible flat feeling where I have no motivation. Yesterday was  my first full day off following a hard week and weekend of overnight sessions and I had completely lost my Mojo. I knew I should go and run but the weather was dull and rainy and I felt like I didn't know how far to run, where to go or what to do in general.
So I resolved to go out from home, rather than a trip out or a long run to Hayfield with a bus ride back. Mellor Cross was an obvious destination; not too far but a good climb up. 
I trundled off on the well-trodden route to the canal, along Arkwright road and down to the Roman Lakes. Off left at Old Hall and up the steep rocky track that leads to Linnet Clough and the golf course. Always a grotty climb, the path was running with water. It's very uneven and rocky and soon saps the legs. I followed the road up to the entrance of the golf course and turned right along the track than left up the path that leads through the golf course and skirts its uppermost edge to join Black Lane, leading up to the cross. At this point my pace was very slow but I could feel my head clearing and I was glad I was out, even though it was so damp.

From Mellor Cross I ran along Black Lane and Primrose Lane to join Castle Edge road. Normally this is the most enjoyable part of this run, with sweeping panoramic views across to Kinder and over towards Lyme Park. However the cloud was so low that everything was obscured. I trotted along Castle Edge road and crossed over the New Mills road to join Shiloh Lane. The 375 bus was waiting in his turn around spot at the end of Rush Lane and he pulled away as I approached. What a nice spot it must be for the driver to stop and eat a sandwich and look at the view. 

A landrover was pulling out of Rush Lane and the driver, a cheerful chap, stopped for a chat. he asked where I had come from and was going to and seemed very keen to talk forever. Although I love to chat myself I had to make my excuses once we had got onto: The state of the NHS, people he knew who could fight but were really nice underneath, problem drinkers, dairy farming in Cheshire, as I was cooling down rapidly. 

I made good progress along the track and up and down through the fields to Mellor Church. This is such a lovely spot to see the views for miles. It is almost TOO nice if such a thing is possible. I can't believe I can visit such a memorable place as often as I like. A bunch of ramblers were huddled up around the walls having a lunch break but the weather was closing in and I pressed on, tumbling down through the fields, trying not to make the sheep jump up, down to Knowle Farm and then left down the lane and off to the left again down the steep path that crosses the stream. Up the steps to join Longhust Lane and then a run down to the Royal Oak where I took the track off to the left down Old Hall Lane, bringing me back to Lakes Road.

Although my pace had been slow it felt good to be out and alive, as I always say. I cannot emphasise how much running has given me in terms of fun, friends, challenges and exercise. If you love the hills as I do, even a 3 mile run can blow away the cobwebs and clear the mind. I think of my old pal Sally as I write, one lovely lady sadly struck down by ill health. If I could run as well and smile as much and have as big a heart as her I would be blessed.

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